You may be young, but you are still mighty.
What is the challenge?
When you sign up to take the Kids’ Generosity Challenge, you’ll be sent a fun “snail-mail” package with your 2021 BreastFest Bucks Voucher, a coloring page for our annual contest, and more!
This voucher is good for a $10 donation to one of our seven Charitable Partners and you get to decide where that money goes. If you parent or guardian (or another adult) matches your donation, you can get entered to win extra prizes.
Don’t forget to send us your completed coloring page to enter to win that exciting grand prize!
Learn More About the Charitable Partners
Your BreastFest Bucks will go to one of these great organizations and you get to tell us who YOU choose and why! If your parent or guardian wants to match your donation, they can use the button below.
The Angel Foundation
This organization helps families with the financial stress that cancer brings and also offers great programs that are fit for the whole family.
Breast Cancer Education Association (BCEA)
Think of this organization like going to school to learn more about cancer. They want to make sure everyone knows everything they can to fight this scary disease. (Oh, and they also throw a really awesome annual party!)
Firefly Sisterhood
When you’re scared of your life changing, it makes you feel better to have people around you who’ve been through it before, or are going through it, too. This group of women supports each other like… well, sisters!
The Hope Chest
This unique organization is actually a resale shop (much like other thrift stores you may be familiar with), but the money they raise goes back to families who are struggling because of the financial impact of cancer. So, you can shop there knowing you’re helping people with every purchase!
Park Nicollet Foundation
A lot of doctors or hospitals may feel scary, but this group really rocks (trust us, we’d know). They helped Judy Shoulak with HER cancer journey (she’s one of the founders of BreastFest and MY mom!). One thing is for sure, they care about their patients and their families.
Susan G. Komen – Minnesota
This organization has branches all over the country, just like a Boys & Girls Club. Except instead of offering after school activities, Susan G. Komen throws huge events (much larger than BreastFest) to raise money that also goes back to families impacted by cancer. It almost feels easier to list what they don’t do because they offer so many programs and services!
Virginia Piper Emergency Fund
Not only does the Virginia Piper Cancer Institute focus on amazing medical advances and making the best technology to fight cancer, they also provide emergency relief to families who are struggling with the financial side of this diagnosis.
Now that you’ve learned all about the Charitable Partners that BreastFest supports, follow this checklist and tell us where to send your bucks!
- Choose a Charitable Partner to get your $10 BreastFest bucks
- Encourage your parent or guardian (or another adult) to match your donation
- Color your voucher and send a picture to be entered into the coloring contest
- Tune into the festival’s live Twitch stream September 19th to hear your shout-out and see who won the coloring contest!
Download the 2020 Coloring Pack
If you got the itch for coloring from the Kid’s Generosity Challenge voucher, you’ll LOVE our pack of seven great designs that celebrated our 10 year anniversary!
Check out our 2020 Winners!
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